Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE = Referendariat) in England


The following are some sources of information on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or other methods of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in England. The English PGCE corresponds to the training program for teachers in Germany. As a result of a directive of the European Council, the PGCE (as well as teacher training in other EU countries) can be recognized in some federal states of Germany. This can be done within the framework of an EU adaptation course or an aptitude test. By doing this one can acquire the teaching authorization for schools in Germany.


 ·         Get into teaching - Information Portal of the Department for Education (PGCE, SCITT, Bursaries, and Funding)

 ·         The English syllabi of all school subjects: National Curriculum

 ·      British Council Germany (informative contact point for questions on education as well as international cooperation) 

Important Contact Persons and Institutions in England

·         Application for Referendariatsdienst in England: UCAS Teacher Training

·         Financing of the Referendariatsdienst or the university degree (also for persons from the EU): Teacher Training Funding

·         Recognition of certificates and other examinations: UK NARIC (The National Recognition Information Center for the UK)

·         Information and trial tests on the Professional Skills Tests (Literacy & numeracy) which must be passed before starting the

       training: Skills

Recognition of the Britisch Teaching Diploma in Germany

·         Summary of important information regarding the recognition of the British Referendariat (PGCE): Website of Dr. Ing. Almut

       Küppers (Universität Frankfurt / Main)

 ·         Information concerning the study seminars for Gymnasien in Frankfurt / Main and the EU adaptation courses

Succeeding in the interview (and suchlike…)


  • Wilden, E. & Florian, M. (2013). Für das Referendariat ins Ausland? Das PGCE in England. L-news. Die Zeitung für Lehramtsstudierende, 03/13, 12-13.
  • Wilden, E. (2011). Referendariat in England – Struktur, Bewerbung und Finanzierung. L-news. Die Zeitung für Lehramtsstudierende, 01/11, 26-27.
  • Wilden, E. (2010). Referendariat im Ausland - Was bringt das? L-news. Die Zeitung für Lehramtsstudierende, 03/10, 16-17.
  • Küppers, A. (2008). Obstacles and Options! Border Crossing in European FL Teacher Training. Case Studies of German PGCE Student Teachers in the UK and upon Re-entering the German Job Market. In: W. Delanoy & L. Volkmann (Ed.), Future Perspectives for English Language Teaching (pp. 209 -221). Heidelberg: Winter.
  • Küppers, A. (2008). Bunte Berufsbiografien – Zur Situation von PGCE-AbsolventInnen während des Teacher Training in England und nach ihrer Rückkehr in Deutschland. In: S. Ehrenreich, G. Woodman & M. Perrefort (Ed.), Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium. Bestandsaufnahmen aus Forschung und Praxis(pp. 171-182). Münster: Waxmann. 
    (Ältere Online-Version: zuletzt abgerufen am 21.6.2013).
  • Küppers, A. (2000). Europäische Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung im Vergleich. Deutsch lehren und lernen (22), 20-23.
  • Küppers, A. (2000). Ein Referendariat im Ausland. Eine Alternative für Studierende des Lehramts. Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts, 47 (3), 317-319.
  • Küppers, A. (1998a). Referendariat im Ausland - Geht das? L-news - die Zeitschrift für Lehramtsstudierende, 6, 21-24.
  • Küppers, A. (1998b). Das Praxissemester: Nicht ohne intensive Betreuung! Was wir von unseren europäischen Nachbarn für das Praxissemester lernen können - Ein Blick auf die englische Lehrerausbildung. L-news - die Zeitschrift für Lehramtsstudierende, 6, 12-20.